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Are you ready to find out more about dog training from home and why it is so important? I want to help you understand why training is important for both you and your furry friend, and how training creates beneficial outcomes in behaviors and enhances the bond and companionship that we desire with our dogs.

Awe, the smell of that puppy breath, who can resist that furry bundle of cuteness? I know I can’t. Bringing your new puppy home or even welcoming a newly adopted addition to the family is always an exciting time for the whole family. What many people don’t understand is, dogs are extremely eager to learn and are continuously learning from the time they are born.

You will find that dogs learn many different behaviors whether you teach them or not, and what they learn from their environment, without guidance, may not always be the behaviors you are expecting. It is more beneficial to train you dog.

Teaching our best friend to understand the basics in dog training will be much easier if you begin at an early age, in fact the earlier the better in most cases; however, the one thing we have going for us is dogs are continuous learners and love to learn, so if you adopted that new furry friend that already learned some bad behaviors it may not be as easy; however, you can work with them to redirect those behaviors.

Yes! you can teach an old dog a new trick


Formal training is being opposed by some people, whether in terms of dog training from home or joining local obedience classes. These people may only know the Traditional Type of training and because they regard their dogs as part of the family, don’t feel that type of training is necessary, and I cannot blame them for that.

While you may feel that way, there are alternatives to traditional training, and you must know that withholding your dog from training is undue for you and your dog.

Would it be good not to teach a child right from wrong? Would you defy setting boundaries for a child? Some parents do, and the result is detrimental. A child who is not taught how to behave is usually unruly and hard to be around and may not know what to do in many social situations. This is applicable to dogs.

Without dog training from home, your best buddy will likely behave in an inappropriate way if he has not been taught right from wrong. One of the best things you can do for you and your dog is to train them properly.

A trained dog that also responds quickly to direction may someday need boarding or stay with a friend while you are away, or they may go with you on a road trip, either way training your furry friend is best practice.

In various situations such as these, your best friend will know exactly what is required from him; thereby, he will be more comfortable instead of being confused about what is required from him in the new environment.

Have you ever gone to someone’s home and greeted at the door by an excited dog that ends up jumping all over you or the owner has to put them away before you enter?

A well-trained dog that obeys your command will not be jumping all over your visitors, instead will give you bark alert that someone is at the door and will quickly obey your que to sit.


Some people may be avoiding dog training because they see it as a way of forcing their fur baby to relinquish their own personality. However, this is not true. Training is all about communicating and bonding with your best friend. This is about teaching your dog good behaviors and teaching him the significance of following your directions. Regardless of breed or size, training is evenly important for all dogs.

Dog training is not something that occurs in a night, a day or even a week. It must be patiently and consistently done throughout the dog’s life. This is extremely the case when you dog happens to learn something new on his own and throws the previous training aside.

Below are the things you need to understand about training your dog from home.


Training your dog to serve the interests of you together as a team and learning to live together in harmony establishes a bond and respect between you and your best friend. The training aims are to guide your dog in the right direction with behaviors that are acceptable.

Some behavior like the wish to dig up holes in the backyard or your favorite flowers, using the living room carpet as a bathroom inside of the home or chewing up your favorite pair of shoes to pieces, makes him behave in such that is not delightful to you, the owner.

Therefore, it is important you kindly train your dog in a positive manner. You and your dog will be thankful for this. A dog understands what is expected and less likely to falter, when you train your dog.


Teach your dog life skills

How to live successfully in a home environment is what every dog needs to learn. Domestic dogs compared to their wild counterparts seem to have an easy life or should have. But there are definitely unique pressures living in the human world that dogs may find stressful.

Anxiety and other stress-related behaviors like inappropriate barking, aggressive display, and destructive chewing can be prevented by teaching your dog basic manner skills and providing him with enough physical exercise and mental enhancement.

The import area of the learning process is to train your dog for success and doing this helps your furry friend to accept the environment and makes it easy for him to do well.

This starts with comprehension of how your best friend manages certain circumstances, for instance, if your dog is highly social and enjoys visitors coming into your home, teach him to be enjoyable to your guest and greet without jumping as they enter. This helps check excitable behavior while still makes him enjoy the visitor’s arrival.

If your dog is wary of a visitor, put him in his own room as they enter to take the pressure from him of someone entering your home and then let him engage on his own. This will make him more emotionally stable by keeping the anxiety levels down.


Training your dog promotes your mode of communication that leads to comfort and security with your dog. The more time you invest in teaching your dog to live successfully in a human world the more you will avoid the behavioral problem that results from a lack of understanding.

Many times, dogs are being punished for negative behavior that could have been averted if time has been taken to help them out through training. Training is really a means of learning to communicate with your dog and helps for them to understand what is expected.

Many dogs respond well to some tip like stay and sit, but never prepared to handle life’s pressures in the real world. Ensure every tip has a purpose behind it. The more you can teach your dog the better they will behave in unknown circumstances.

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Improving your dog’s enjoyment of social interaction will make him have confidence in dealing with the pressures of domestic life.

Training your dog to be well behaved in various occurrences requires effort, but there is an assurance of success with consistent commitment. However, it is important to ensure your dog is socializing by giving him good experiences in front of many people, animals, and environment. Teaching him this at a young age will enhance his confidence and reduce the chance of him experiencing fear and discomfort when growing old.

Being social does not mean your best buddy needs to touch a person or another dog physically at all times. Allowing your dog, the exposure to various situations where he can observe and inverse at a distance is as crucial as training him to acknowledge physical touch.

Socialization centers around keeping your dog comfortable in some social situations while being wary of forcing him into a situation he might find uncomfortable. If your dog is a type that does not relate well with others, do not think you should compel him.

Not all dogs that love to relate with people are social they may love to be around their owners but find that other people may cause a threat and become anxious. How long your training sessions can last in these instances will be determined by understanding how your dog can cope and remain comfortable.

It is preferable in society to have a socialized dog. Keeping your dog from situations that he finds uncomfortable is not a flop. You can respect and understand his limitations by noticing how he copes with the situation and work into those situations slowly.


You can start training your puppy as soon as bring him home. Puppies begin learning from birth, so some training can start immediately as soon as the puppy can open its eyes and walk. This training may consist of touching the puppies in a loving and gently way and holding them to help them learn that humans are really ok.

Young puppies are hyperactive; however, you can expect them to start learning simple obedience direction like “sit”, “down” and “stay” at the early age of 7 to 8 weeks.

Training dogs formally has traditionally been deferred until 6 months of age. This is one reason that dog training from home is crucial to the development of your furry friend. Waiting to train you dog leads to them learning unwanted behaviors that will need redirected as they get older.

When to start dog training from home

Your dog is acquiring knowledge from every experience they encounter and defying training till they are older means many of these teaching opportunities for nix behaviors or enhance behaviors will be missed. At a juvenile stage begins, the adult behavioral guides and processes through anxiety periods which will start to consolidate causing issues with you dog.

There may be a need to change what your dog has learned in puppyhood, what is cute as a puppy may not be accepted as an adult dog. The behavior learned at a younger age will now need to be redirected, wouldn’t it be easier to train them right from wrong from the beginning? I am sure we are all guilty of this.

Beginning from an early age; puppies are capable of learning so much. Gentle teaching and methods that rely on positive reinforcement training should be used when training at 7-8 weeks and training sessions should occur daily and be concise for your eager learner. The food-lure training method and positive training approach can be used to teach the puppy to “sit”, “down” and “stay”.


Positive reinforcement dog training is about rewarding your best buddy by giving positive reinforcement whenever they do something that delights you and disregarding anything that they do which doesn’t satisfy you. You can reward your dog by praising him or giving him treats. Many times, this type of training is backed up with negative punishment, such as withholding the treat or attention.

Some of the benefits of positive training for dogs are;

  • It will enhance communication with your dog
  • It can be used for various behavior issues
  • It involved the whole family
  • There will be the development of a stronger bond with your dog
  • Positive reinforcement training is entertaining.
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Kingdom of pets Training

You must be constant in your teaching method because inconsistency will give your animal mixed signals and they will not be sure what is expected out of them. Confusion will cause your dog to become frustrated and will discourage him from learning making it harder to teach him.

Make sure when training your dog to always continue using the same que word for the direction you are teaching as dogs will get use to the word and tone and complete the action that is desired. If one time you use down and the next time you say lay down it is different enough when you are training that your dog may not understand the que.


People that train their dogs consistently throughout their lives tend to have more fulfilling lives with their best companion. While those who fail to provide their dogs with the right training, may develop behavior problems or turmoil. It is much easier to train in the beginning than to try to redirect behavior in the future.

By starting training for your dog as soon as possible will only benefit both you and your best buddy. I feel that by spending the time to initiate dog training from home and staying consistent will help to build a strong bond and companionship between you and your dog and your furry friend will encounter less anxiety, knowing right from wrong.

Training is an important factor in you dogs life and by creating a much more positive approach for training, your dog will learn much faster and stay more attentive during training creating respect between you and your dog and the learning outcomes more rewarding.

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